Apache Arrow vs Apache Parquet

April 27, 2022


Apache Arrow and Apache Parquet are two popular data file formats used for exchanging data between various big data systems. Both Apache Arrow and Apache Parquet are open-source projects with their own advantages and disadvantages. In this blog post, we are going to compare these two data file formats and see which one is better suited for various big data use cases.

Apache Arrow

Apache Arrow is a columnar in-memory data format that is designed to improve the performance of big data processing. It is an open-source project that was first released in 2016. Apache Arrow is designed in such a way that it can be used with different programming languages and platforms. It has a language-agnostic format that allows data to be exchanged between various systems without any serialization issues.

Apache Arrow provides a cross-language memory format that makes it easy to share data between applications written in different programming languages. It supports various data types, including numeric, string, boolean, and timestamp. Apache Arrow is optimized for both data serialization and deserialization, making it ideal for use in various big data processing pipelines.

Apache Parquet

Apache Parquet is also a columnar data storage format that is designed to store and process large amounts of data efficiently. It was first released in 2013 as an open-source project. Apache Parquet is based on the Google Dremel paper, which proposed a columnar storage format for large-scale data processing.

Apache Parquet is optimized for both read and write operations. It is designed in such a way that it can handle complex data structures with nested data types. Apache Parquet supports multiple compression algorithms to reduce the size of the data on disk, which makes it very useful for storing and processing large amounts of data.



When it comes to performance, Apache Arrow is faster than Apache Parquet for in-memory processing. Apache Arrow is designed to be used with in-memory systems, and it excels in situations where data needs to be retrieved and processed quickly. However, Apache Parquet is better suited for disk-based processing. This means that Apache Parquet is the preferred format when dealing with large data sets that need to be stored and processed on disk.

Data Types

Both Apache Arrow and Apache Parquet support various data types, including numeric, string, and Boolean. However, Apache Arrow supports more data types than Apache Parquet. Apache Arrow supports data types such as date, time, timestamp, binary, and decimal, making it more versatile than Apache Parquet.


When it comes to compression, both Apache Arrow and Apache Parquet support various compression algorithms. Apache Arrow supports LZ4, ZSTD, and Snappy compression. Apache Parquet supports Gzip, Snappy, and LZO compression. However, Apache Parquet is more flexible with compression and allows users to customize their compression setting when processing large data sets.


In conclusion, Apache Arrow and Apache Parquet are both useful data file formats for big data processing. Apache Arrow is faster and more versatile when used for in-memory processing. On the other hand, Apache Parquet is better suited for disk-based processing and is capable of handling complex data structures with nested data types. The choice between Apache Arrow and Apache Parquet will depend on the specific needs of the big data processing pipeline.


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